Additional COVID-19 Guidelines
as per the Ministry of Health recommendations
We’ll be using only equipment and toys made of material that can be cleaned and disinfected, or are single use and are disposed of at the end of the day. We’ll also be increasing the frequency (minimum twice a day) of cleaning and disinfecting objects, toys, equipment and frequently touched items.
Minimizing the sharing and frequency of touching objects, toys, equipment, surfaces, and other personal items.
Performing and promoting frequent, proper hand hygiene (including supervising or assisting camp participants with hand hygiene) throughout the afternoon as well as before and after eating.
Physical Distancing of at least 2 metres between children, parents/guardians and staff by:
Maintaining consistent cohorts (if required) throughout the year, that will have access to their own space in the gym, separate snack space, and bathrooms. Cohorts will be organized as follows:
Cohort 1: RH McGreggor + Earl Haig
Cohort 2: Earl Beatty + St.Brigid
As registration increases throughout the year, cohorts can be further separated by individual schools.
Incorporating more individual activities or activities that encourage more space between participants.
Ensuring participants have their own individual snacks and water bottles that will be separated from the other cohort.
Drop-off procedures to support physical distancing and cohorting using strategies such as, but not limited to: avoiding group transportation, having one designated parent/guardian pick-up each participant or siblings, staggering the release of all children, and keeping parents/guardians outside the gym at all times.
All individuals, including children and staff, will be screened before entering the gym. This will include a daily temperature check.
We have the right to deny entry to any individual who has any of the symptoms outlined in the COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms on the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 website, or who has come in close contact with a person with symptoms of or confirmed COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol content will be placed at all entrances to the gym.
Daily records will be kept to indicate anyone entering the gym every day that stays for 15 minutes or longer. These records will be kept up-to-date and available to facilitate contact tracing in the event of a confirmed COVID-19 case or outbreak.
After school participants or staff who have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 will be excluded from the program setting for 14 days. If a participant begins to experience symptoms of COVID-19 while attending, they’ll be immediately separated from others in a supervised area until they can go home. In addition, where possible, any staff providing care to the participant will be maintaining a distance of at least 2 metres.
The local public health unit will then be contacted to notify them of a potential case, and we’ll notify all parties involved.